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Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

Free Download Identifying and Managing Project Risk: Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project, by Tom Kendrick

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Identifying and Managing Project Risk: Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project, by Tom Kendrick

Identifying and Managing Project Risk: Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project, by Tom Kendrick

Identifying and Managing Project Risk: Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project, by Tom Kendrick

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Identifying and Managing Project Risk: Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project, by Tom Kendrick


“Detailed, well-organized and comprehensive, Identifying and Managing Project Risk takes you through the planning, assessment and responses required for any kind of project of any size.” --Soundview

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Book Description

Projects—especially complex ones—are inherently risky. Between time constraints, technical challenges, and resource issues, things can easily go wrong—making the identification of potential risks an essential component of every project manager's job. Fully updated and consistent with the Risk Management Professional (RMP) certification and the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®), Identifying and Managing Project Risk remains the definitive resource for project managers seeking to guard against failure. Drawing on real-world situations and hundreds of examples, the book outlines the risk management process and provides proven methods for project risk planning. Readers will learn how to use high-level risk assessment tools, implement a system for monitoring and controlling projects, and properly document every consideration. Analyzing aspects such as project scope, available resources, and scheduling, the third edition also offers fresh guidance on program risk management, qualitative and quantitative risk analysis, simulation and modeling, and significant "non-project" risks. This practical book will help readers eliminate surprises and keep projects on track.

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Hardcover: 400 pages

Publisher: AMACOM; Third edition (March 25, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9780814436080

ISBN-13: 978-0814436080

ASIN: 0814436080

Product Dimensions:

6.3 x 1.2 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.1 out of 5 stars

57 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#71,423 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Very readable. Great reference. Includes explanations of Why you do things, not just How to do them. This book also takes a broad view of Risk, and when it is about 'Risk' it relates the planning and controlling to the other PMBOK processes and knowledge areas. Risk management as a comprehensive concept. Wow, who'da thunk. Kendrick impresses; I own and use his PM Toolkit almost daily.

I found the book to be very informative. As a seasoned, senior level PM, the terminology and examples used were familiar to me. I don't recommend the book for entry level Project Managers or non management personnel.

Short and simple is all that is needed for this reference. This book will help you understand and manage risk simple. We used this as our course book for Risk Analysis with UCLA. This book will provide you with an understand and methods to define, analysis, record and update risks.I understand there was a review concerning this book being aimed at the IT industry and although it is used as references, this book and its methods can be used for any industry with success. It provides a clear and simple understanding of how to apply risk methods to manage any kind of risk.My risk bible.

Some old school useful points, but ad-hoc and mis-targeted (as one other reviewer notes ... who is to read this? ... overload of heuristic lists for beginners, but experienced managers already know it).Kendrick uses throughout the example of the Panama Canal project, both the original French commercial failure, and the later U.S. Government success. But most of the key lessons from both could only be implemented by the project "sponsor" (Kendrick's term) not the PM, yet Kendrick writes a book for PMs. E.g. Roosevelt intervened to eliminate the 7-person council that couldn't decide anything. And there must be a lesson in here about government vs. private projects that Kendrick overlooks.Kendrick assumes infinite persuasiveness on the part of PMs, both to persuade their bosses/sponsors and their workers to follow ad-hoc guidelines that are never quantitative. For example, he advocates traditional reserves. Most projects in modern organizations aren't allowed to manage reserves anymore, these have been scooped up by higher levels.Other than keep track of thousands of list items and "persuade" others to pay attention to them, there are no concrete suggestions on what to do to get others motivated and manipulate the outcome. Kendrick winds up recommending that you draw a line and just cancel projects that go over it. He justifies this with a very clever but off-target bidding exercise in which students bid on a dollar bill, with the stipulation that the 2nd highest bidder also has to pay, and bidding typically runs over $2.For a more concrete and certainly more concise approach, see Economic Optimization of Innovation & Risk, which gives a quantitative model of the economic factors affecting both project outcome and reliability of the delivered system (crash rate), and works a difficult example of how to fix a project that is not meeting its goals.Kendrick's book is not without use or some interesting points. There are lots of quotes throughout that almost by themselves make the book worth reading, like Roosevelt "Far better it is to dare mighty things..." and Patton "A good plan violently executed right now is better than a perfect plan executed next week." Although Kendrick's 360 pages of lists seem to be guiding us toward next week or later. The book depends heavily on external databases, PMBOK and PERIL, with selections from the later included, which again are just anecdotal heuristics. Don't get me wrong, I use heuristics myself, but one needs a short list of them, and a quantitative model to justify them.Kendrick covers some of the problems of project sponsors attempting too much. But is clueless as to how to fix it. And if anyone has worked for Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos, one knows that one doesn't just schedule a couple hours of their time to go over detailed lists. The "modern" boss simply isn't available to hear that something isn't going to work, and will just replace a PM who doesn't go along. The book needs to be re-targeted.Some of the things Kendrick proposes, such as lean, quick projects, can backfire and increase risk. Again the quantitative model is lacking. A few figures are unreadable in the eBook version, and all have very small print.

This book makes Risk Management interesting and understandable. If you are trying to get your arms around this subject, I can recommend Tom's book. He explains things in a simple and clear way. I had several epiphanies in the first few chapters alone. I can recommend this book.

Very complete, well structured, easy to follow and understand. This is not a simple topic and can be overdone, but in spite of being a bit academic at times, is well covered in this book.

This is a wonderful book summarizing the authors lengthy PM experience and collection of over 600 cases of project failures. The Panama Canal projects provide historically interesting case of poor and eventually much-improved project decisions and management. Kendrick shares his enthusiasm for the PM discipline. The emphasis is on moderate-sized technical projects.

Great book.

Its a textbook. Referenced it a lot for class, but didn't exactly use it for light enjoyable reading.

Identifying and Managing Project Risk: Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project, by Tom Kendrick PDF
Identifying and Managing Project Risk: Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project, by Tom Kendrick EPub
Identifying and Managing Project Risk: Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project, by Tom Kendrick Doc
Identifying and Managing Project Risk: Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project, by Tom Kendrick iBooks
Identifying and Managing Project Risk: Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project, by Tom Kendrick rtf
Identifying and Managing Project Risk: Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project, by Tom Kendrick Mobipocket
Identifying and Managing Project Risk: Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project, by Tom Kendrick Kindle

Identifying and Managing Project Risk: Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project, by Tom Kendrick PDF

Identifying and Managing Project Risk: Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project, by Tom Kendrick PDF

Identifying and Managing Project Risk: Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project, by Tom Kendrick PDF
Identifying and Managing Project Risk: Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project, by Tom Kendrick PDF

Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

Ebook Free Pain in Practice: Theory and Treatment Strategies for Manual Therapists, 1eBy Hubert Van Griensven

Ebook Free Pain in Practice: Theory and Treatment Strategies for Manual Therapists, 1eBy Hubert Van Griensven

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Pain in Practice: Theory and Treatment Strategies for Manual Therapists, 1eBy Hubert Van Griensven

Pain in Practice: Theory and Treatment Strategies for Manual Therapists, 1eBy Hubert Van Griensven

Pain in Practice: Theory and Treatment Strategies for Manual Therapists, 1eBy Hubert Van Griensven

Ebook Free Pain in Practice: Theory and Treatment Strategies for Manual Therapists, 1eBy Hubert Van Griensven

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Pain in Practice: Theory and Treatment Strategies for Manual Therapists, 1eBy Hubert Van Griensven

Using a single treatment model that can be applied to every patient, this unique book is a valuable guide for assessing, identifying, and treating patients with acute and chronic pain in physical therapy practice. It teaches clinicians how to quickly recognize pain patterns and deal with pain using practical pain management techniques (psychosocial interventions, self-help methods) in combination with familiar musculoskeletal approaches (massage, exercise therapy, TENS). Underlying concepts of neurophysiology endocrine physiology, and psychology are explained to convey a greater understanding of pain science and its links to everyday practice.

'PAIN IN PRACTICE is a very readable user friendly book. it approaches the subject of pain from different perspectives with the overriding theme being releveance to clinical reasoning and thus treatment of patients...The book is well designed with the use of green shaded boxes to summarize or highlight important points. there is good use of patient scenarios to facilitate the linking of theory to practice and the many diagrams and flow charts support the text well.' The British Pain Society Newsletter, Spring 2006.

  • Material is organized according to the hierarchy in the sensory nervous system, from familiar to the increasingly complex causes of pain.
  • A single, overarching clinical reasoning model is presented that integrates psychological, neural, and mechanical knowledge, enabling therapists to assess and treat all patients using the same model.
  • The book's rational approach to analyzing pain syndromes discards overly simplistic notions of pain as a mechanical phenomenon.
  • A comprehensive review of outcome measures is provided, which serves as a convenient reference guide for evaluation and clinical practice.
  • Text boxes highlight patient examples, exercises, and interesting background information.
  • Relevant neurophysiology is discussed in a way that translates the information into practical application.
  • Integrative approach to pain management empowers therapists to use familiar musculoskeletal methods in addition to psychosocial methods, enabling them to choose the most appropriate techniques from both areas.

  • Sales Rank: #3582965 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Butterworth-Heinemann
  • Published on: 2006-02-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .45" h x 7.42" w x 9.70" l, 1.13 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 228 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author
Hubert van Griensven, MSc Pain, BSc Physiotherapy, Dip Chinese Acupuncture, Chartered Physiotherapist, London, UK

Pain in Practice: Theory and Treatment Strategies for Manual Therapists, 1eBy Hubert Van Griensven PDF
Pain in Practice: Theory and Treatment Strategies for Manual Therapists, 1eBy Hubert Van Griensven EPub
Pain in Practice: Theory and Treatment Strategies for Manual Therapists, 1eBy Hubert Van Griensven Doc
Pain in Practice: Theory and Treatment Strategies for Manual Therapists, 1eBy Hubert Van Griensven iBooks
Pain in Practice: Theory and Treatment Strategies for Manual Therapists, 1eBy Hubert Van Griensven rtf
Pain in Practice: Theory and Treatment Strategies for Manual Therapists, 1eBy Hubert Van Griensven Mobipocket
Pain in Practice: Theory and Treatment Strategies for Manual Therapists, 1eBy Hubert Van Griensven Kindle

Pain in Practice: Theory and Treatment Strategies for Manual Therapists, 1eBy Hubert Van Griensven PDF

Pain in Practice: Theory and Treatment Strategies for Manual Therapists, 1eBy Hubert Van Griensven PDF

Pain in Practice: Theory and Treatment Strategies for Manual Therapists, 1eBy Hubert Van Griensven PDF
Pain in Practice: Theory and Treatment Strategies for Manual Therapists, 1eBy Hubert Van Griensven PDF

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Hard Math for Elementary SchoolBy Glenn Ellison

Hard Math for Elementary School is new category of math book. The author, MIT professor Glenn Ellison, calls it a math enrichment textbook. The idea is to make it easy for teachers or parents to supplement what kids are getting in school with with complementary lessons that are harder, deeper, and more fun.
Hard Math has chapters to accompany most textbook topics: addition with carrying, multiplication, fractions, etc. It covers other important topics - prime numbers, counting, probability - that are being squeezed out of many curricula. And it has chapters on topics which may not be as important -- tiling floors, solving number puzzles, making polyhedra out of marshmallows and toothpicks -- but that make the book more fun and develop higher-level reasoning skills.
Hard Math can be used in many different ways. Some parents will enjoy reading it together with their child. A teacher can give the book to an exceptional student who could read through it on her own whenever she's done early with the regular math lesson. Or a teacher could treat the book as a set of lesson plans for his or her top math group: each section of the book can serve as a set of lecture notes and the students could then work separately or together on the corresponding workbook page. Hard Math can similarly be a blueprint for an after school math club.
Hard Math is designed to be accessible to very advanced 3rd graders. But Hard Math is very hard. Most parents will find that there's a lot in it that they don't know and most advanced kids will be better off waiting until at least 4th grade to try it.
A workbook (sold separately) contains over 100 challenging worksheets to reinforce the lessons of each section. An answer key for the workbook is also available (and cheap).

  • Sales Rank: #78464 in Books
  • Brand: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Published on: 2013-05-29
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.00" h x .54" w x 8.00" l, 1.06 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 238 pages
  • Great product!

"Does math class make your child feel like a hamster in a cage stuck in a wheel of an endlessly repetitive "spiral curriculum" with little to challenge or inspire her? If you answered yes, then this book could provide a much-needed breath of fresh air. ... Written in a good-natured conversational style, Hard Math for Elementary School lays the foundation for elementary school students to develop the tools and habits of confident, capable, and curious problem solvers." --Mary O'Keeffe, founder, Albany Area Math Circle

"The author has excellent taste ...  The book is full of great insights and tricks which would make even a professional mathematician smile. ... I wish that the book would replace all other books currently used to teach math to elementary school kids."-- Richard Schwartz, Chancellor's Professor of Mathematics, Brown University. Author, You Can Count on Monsters and Really Big Numbers

"... well written based on Prof. Ellison's invaluable experience teaching and achieving wonderful results in every single stage: elementary school, middle school, and high school."-- Zuming Feng, Coach and Team Leader, U.S. International Math Olympiad Team. Founder, Idea Math.

About the Author
Glenn Ellison is the Gregory K. Palm Professor of Economics at MIT. He is also the parent of three daughters and has spent many hours coaching middle school math teams and working with informal groups of younger and older kids in his kitchen classroom.

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Hard Math for Elementary SchoolBy Glenn Ellison PDF

Hard Math for Elementary SchoolBy Glenn Ellison PDF
Hard Math for Elementary SchoolBy Glenn Ellison PDF